
A means that God uses to show his grace and help us achieve salvation


The word sacrament means “a sign of the sacred”. These actions are not just signs, they are celebrations of a continuing story of God, a story of the people that walk with God and the story of the whole kingdom of God’s people. The sacraments by their very nature teach and help us to live out God’s word, and show our love for him. Anglican theologian Richard Hooker described the sacraments as “visible signs of invisible grace.”

Two and Seven

In the Bible, Jesus gives his disciples the sacraments. In some traditions there are seven sacraments, some have less, and others have a lot more. In the Anglican tradition, there are two sacraments that are ordained of Christ in the Gospels; Baptism and Holy Communion. Alongside these two Gospel sacraments, some Anglicans also refer to the “Commonly called Sacraments”; Confirmation, Reconciliation, Holy Matrimony, Anointing of the Sick, and Ordination.


Baptism is the sacrament by which people are initiated into the Christian Church. Welcoming both children, and adults into the household of God. It is through baptism we receive our true identity, imitators of God, as his beloved children (Eph. 5:1). It is through Baptism that we are able to access the other sacraments.


In Confirmation, an enrichment occurs for the candidate; strengthening them in their witness to Christ, and bringing them deeper into the fullness of the Body of Christ. The Bishop will lay hands on those coming for confirmation, and anoint them with the special oil of Chrism.


Holy Communion or Eucharist is one of the most important sacraments of the Church. In the Eucharist, Christ becomes present to the community gathered in his name. Not only does it renew the people as the Body of Christ through worship, but it is also through the reception of his body and blood.

Anointing of the Sick

The act of the Anointing of the sick is healing through prayer and sacrament, given to both those who are sick and those who are dying; in the case of the dying it is called Extreme Unction. For both cases laying on of hands, the use of oil, and prayers are used. Asking God for Christ’s grace and healing in what ever form he sees fit.

Holy Matrimony

Is the blessing of a union between a man and a woman. In this blessing, there is an acknowledgement of the presence and grace of God in the couples’ relationship. In Holy Matrimony prayers are offered for the continuing love of the couple, so they might grow in a deeper relationship with each other and with God.


In Reconciliation, we are restored to a right relationship with God, each other, and ourselves. In the admittance of sin, we are able to break the chains that bind us to guilt, pain, and rejection. In the Anglican Tradition Reconciliation occurs in Holy Communion, however, for some private confession is desired and is available.